Saturday, June 27, 2009

Wow- What a Journey!!

Hey everyone- we finally made it to New York City after a sixteen hour trip. My mom and I left Declo at five in the morning on Friday, arrived two hours early in Salt Lake, and then our flight was delayed an hour! We finally boarded the plane around 10:30, and we were scheduled to land in Newark, New Jersey around five local time but, wait, there's more. We started flying around in circles around Michigan while waiting for thunderstorms to pass in the New York area and that caused us to run out of gas, so we had to stop in Syracuse, NY. We had to sit on the airplane for a half an hour, but when they finally let us off the plane, Syracuse airport was disgusting! They had one pizza place, but there were so many people trying to get food that my mom and I did not even attempt. I ate a donut, licorice, diet coke, and peanut butter cups yesterday-- sounds healthy, right! After another hour of waiting on the airplane, we were able to leave Syracuse, and we arrived in Newark about an hour later. It took forever to find my luggage, and the train ride out of Jersey seemed to take hours, but, finally, we arrived in New York City. We took a cab from Penn Station while watching the sights around us. It was fantastic! I cannot wait to start exploring.


  1. Just like the movie, Planes trains and automobiles

  2. Have a fantastic time. We want all the details. Make some memories and we'll keep up on the blog site!

  3. Sounds like a great adventure. I'm sure you're mom was really glad she was with you through all that so she could make sure you arrived at the correct destination in one piece! Have a great time-

  4. ha ha I find that funny, cause when I told you about my plane problems you just laughed and said WOW I am glad I got a direct flight! ha ha I guess the universe just does not agree with me and you when it comes to planes
